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Interesting, entertaining, relatable, and relevant to your target audience

Put your “marketing” wherever you want but if it is not these things it will not resonate with your audience. (Resonate- to relate harmoniously: strike a cord)

There is no weight loss pill for “marketing”. (I have covered in the past why I think the word marketing is used wrong all the time. *insert eye roll here)

We have all seen the ads. Just take this pill and you will lose weight. OKAY okay maybe I am wrong but I have yet to hear about a true miracle pill. And I have certainly not heard of one that does not have negative side effects.

We get a lot of questions about what platform or method clients should use to "get discovered” or get their message out there. If they could just learn the best platform, method, or algorithm hack THEN they would be “successful”. Although there are platforms and processes that work better depending on things like your business, message, audience, etc you must start with your message, your content, your story.

And it should be interesting, entertaining, relatable, and relevant to your target audience.

Interesting - arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.

Entertainment - Gap between gratification sought and that obtained from any given source. When people get what they want from a source they tend to do it again.

Relatable - able to be shown or established to have a causal or logical connection to something. able to be related to: possible to understand, like, or have sympathy for because of similarities to oneself or one's own experiences.

Relevant - having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand

Put it wherever you want but if it is not these things it will not resonate with your audience. (Resonate- to relate harmoniously: strike a cord)

Beware of agencies or systems that are selling you based on cheats, hacks, or the easy way out.

Although we can certainly help you with the how, we should start with the who and what.


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©2023 by A Tad Creative Production

Aiken, SC, USA

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