Make reality live up to your expectations
Reality had not live up to expectations?! Should not that be the other way? Or maybe I have finally found my issues?

They say that waking up is hard to do...
The hard truth is my early life was not filled with what you would call "good examples". To use a phrase here that I use often I did not...

Don't be a just guy.
"Oh I get it, you’re a just guy." Its that time of year when all the feel good shows are on. The above line came from something with...

"Explore the things that excite your soul"
I am not one to slow down or linger. Truth is I move too fast for my own good most times. But I lingered...

I am all these things...
I am a guy that graduated with a 3.8 when I received my BS in management. I've been tattooed about a dozen times. I have drank a $100 bo
Not today...
I have no idea what was different about this morning but one morning I while getting ready for work I was suddenly and completely crippled b
Your but is a killer
I have heard it said that but is a dream killer. I completely agree with that. On a much smaller level and a user level, if you will,...

Show me... Show yourself...
These ideas are intelligent, thought out, robust but, very strangely, none of these ideas have spontaneously taking root and produces anythi